Oliver's Hunger Dragon

Oliver's Hunger Dragon

From Sherry Alexander

One in five kids are hungry, yet there are only a handful of books that talk about the subject. I want to publish my Picture Book and donate a percentage to No Kid Hungry Campaign.

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Sherry Alexander commented:
about 10 years ago
I've almost reached the goal of $1200 for the illustrations..fingers crossed
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation:
about 10 years ago
Best of luck.
Anonymous commented with a $400 donation:
about 10 years ago
Good luck with your book.
The Jones-Blubaum Family commented with a $30 donation:
about 10 years ago
Keep up the great work for such an important cause.
Barbara Gundy commented with a $30 donation:
over 10 years ago
friend of Vicki Baucom and happy to aid a good cause
Sherry Alexander commented:
over 10 years ago
Help me get the word out by sharing this sight on twitter and facebook--thanks!
Sherry Alexander commented:
over 10 years ago
There is a video available at http://youtu.be/wmn46v_gy8c
Vicki Baucom commented with a $100 donation:
over 10 years ago
The world needs more people like you!
Sherry Alexander commented:
over 10 years ago
Thank you for the support.
Patti Dybdahl commented with a $20 donation:
over 10 years ago
What a wonderful concept, Sherry. Can't wait to read it!
Goss/Scruggs Family commented with a $50 donation:
over 10 years ago
You amaze me my friend, keep up the great work!! xo