
From Shelby Fonseca

Marketing material for SFFitness, a transformative online platform, focusing on using fitness as a therapeutic tool to aid individuals in overcoming life's adversities, past trauma, and mental health hurdles.

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All my life, I've struggled with mental health, but I never realized how much I had never dealt with my trauma until this year at 26 years old.

4 years ago I decided to make a decision that I was going to leave the only place I've known since I was 13. Where my friends and all my family are, by myself. I thought that it was going to solve all my problems. I'd finally be happy. And I did realize that I was happier, but When anything minor would happen, I would find myself still lashing out at people, getting upset, ruining the new relationships I was making. I was still finding myself hanging out with the wrong crowd, even in a new state! Drinking too much, using drugs. I even stopped going to the gym as much. I never wanted to ask for help from anybody. I have tried to go to therapists. I tried taking medication. However, I realized that targeting my mental health through fitness is what has truly helped me to overcome my fears, trauma, and past, because most of the people in the gym are dealing with a lot of these same struggles! Pulling yourself out of a dark place is one of the hardest things to do. Especially, alone. I realized I was taking advice from people who didn't even have it together themselves. So I told myself, enough was enough, get back in the gym. Just. Go. Getting help through the gym and other self-care is the ONLY time I actually felt like I was getting any real help, mentally.  And now, 3 years going strong. I have never felt better. I've even started training for my very first competition! Now I want to try and help as many people as I can overcome similar traumas from being abused, raped, manipulated, used, you name it. I've just about been through it all. Even used drugs and alcohol to escape.. Nobody should have to endure and try to overcome those issues on your own. Because I can tell you first-hand, this has not been an easy journey. However, I need your help to get my name and SFFitness out there to Kick Start this journey of helping other men and women who want their voice to be heard. 


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