"Passed Down" Short Film

"Passed Down" Short Film

From George Coletrain

"Passed down" is a short film that I wrote in 2019 shortly after becoming a father. I really wanted to convey the idea of Legacy, fatherhood, and the impact of generational love in a short and impactful way

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Update #1

3 months ago

Hey all, thank you so much for checking out my fundraising campaign. It truly means the world to me! Here is Update #1 for this project. In the video, i discuss what this project is, who I am, and what the money goes toward. Thanks so much in advance for watching! https://youtu.be/AkirlH5XzHI

More Info

"Passed Down" is a short film that I wrote in 2019 shortly after becoming a father. I really wanted to convey the idea of legacy, fatherhood, and the impact of generational love in a short and impactful way. This was one of the first short scripts that I ever wrote, and one that I vowed to one day put into production. Fast-forward five years later to 2024, where I have decided to finance and direct the short film that I wrote all the way back in 2019.

I am George Coletrain, a filmmaker, husband, father, and Man of Faith based in San Diego, California. My passion for filmmaking ignited in 2013 while serving in a church environment. Over the past 12 years, I've been deeply involved in ministry, and in the last four years, I've intentionally shifted my focus toward narrative filmmaking. Despite lacking formal education, my decade of freelancing and collaboration has equipped me with invaluable experience. Now, I am poised to embark on the next phase of my journey as an advocate for fellow believers who aspire to create impactful stories rooted in faith. My goal is to support individuals who wish to merge their love for Jesus with their passion for filmmaking, empowering them to hone their craft while making a meaningful mark in the industry.

"Passed Down" serves as a proof of concept that believers can craft nuanced and powerful film narratives with excellence and skill. Let's be honest; there is a common preconceived notion that "Christian Films" or "Christian Filmmakers" lack quality, skill, or depth, and that the projects they produce are cheesy and uninspired. Through this project, I aim to challenge this notion and showcase the dedication and talent of believers in the industry. We're committed to investing time and skill into our craft while staying true to our faith and producing films that elevate the genre. Initially, my involvement was solely focused on filming and editing. However, as I delved deeper into the film and faith industry, I realized the importance of presenting a high-quality, fully-produced short film. "Passed Down" aims to inspire others and demonstrate the significant contributions believers can make to the film industry. It's time to assert our presence and potential in this space.

The Impact Of Your Support

By contributing financially to this film project, you play a crucial role in alleviating the financial burden on me. While I've already committed to financing the film myself, your contribution significantly reduces my personal expenses. It's worth noting that many of the crew members involved in this project are believers, with some offering their services at reduced rates or even for free to support the cause. Additionally, we have non-believers on board, all of whom I've pledged to compensate as close to their standard rates as feasible.

I've already dipped into my personal savings to kickstart this project, emphasizing my dedication to seeing it through. Your contribution directly offsets the overall production costs, ensuring a smoother journey for everyone involved. Furthermore, any surplus funds generated will be allocated towards compensating those crew members who worked below their usual rates or volunteered their time.

It's essential to me that this project isn't about personal profit but rather about honoring the commitment and expertise of all involved. Your support enables us to prioritize fairly compensating every contributor. Thank you for being a vital part of bringing this vision to life.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you're unable to contribute financially to this project at this time, I completely understand, and I sincerely appreciate your interest and support nonetheless. Another valuable way you can contribute is by spreading the word about the project. Share it with those in your circle who might find the film compelling, as well as the behind-the-scenes content set to launch in early June. Our aim is to reach as wide an audience as possible and hopefully make a profound impact on them. Your help in sharing the project along its journey is immensely valuable and greatly appreciated. Thank you for being a part of this endeavor.

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George Coletrain posted a new update:
3 months ago

Update #2

Hey all, thank you so much for checking out my fundraising campaign. It truly means the world to me! Here is Update #1 for this project. In the video, i discuss what this project is, who I am, and what the money goes toward. Thanks so much in advance for watching! https://youtu.be/AkirlH5XzHI

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