Sam's Vision: Builders for Tomorrow

Sam's Vision: Builders for Tomorrow

From LaRae Bryant

I am raising money to construct the foundation building! All donations will be used for the construction of this amazing facility. Support our campaign and follow our progress as the foundation is constructed!

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On July 11, 2023, Samuel embarked on a boating expedition from Oak Harbor to Put-in-Bay, Ohio, joined by his girlfriend McKenzie, as well as two friends. Samuel, who had recently rebuilt the boat engine, was eager to test it out. After a few hours on Put-in-Bay Island, they decided to head home. Tragically, at around 10:30 PM, the evening took a devastating turn as Samuel went overboard, leading to an extensive search effort involving the Coast Guard, National Guard, and numerous community members. For five agonizing days, the search persisted, drawing hopes and prayers from across the United States and Canada. With a saddened heart, on July 16, 2023, Samuel was found near Rattlesnake Island by a local boater, a painful realization that he had succumbed to the water. Samuel was kind-hearted, ambitious, and full of life, his vibrant spirit, zest for life, trying new things and dedication to his family left an enduring mark on all who knew him. 

 As a close-knit family gathers to provide support to McKenzie and her children as they navigate life without Samuel, the foundation was founded with a two-fold mission. It serves to empower the youth of tomorrow and Samuel's children, when they are old enough to grasp his legacy, it will provide a wonderful way to keep their father's spirit alive. 

 This foundation is dedicated to ensuring that Samuel Ickes Jr.'s legacy continues to shine brightly. Established in his name, it is a tribute to his indomitable spirit, devoted to preserving his passion and commitment. Samuel was passionate about the construction industry, a visionary who believed he could do anything. With his children as a guiding force, we are driven to serve and inspire the next generation of builders and tradespeople. Through mentorship, education, grants, and empowerment, we provide the tools and knowledge needed for them to embark on promising careers in these vital fields. Samuel's dream lives on as we construct pathways to success, just as he envisioned for himself. We are ensuring that the youth of tomorrow have the best possible start in these trades and continue to build the world with passion and skill.

With your support we will construct a facility to empower the vision and mission statements of the foundation!!!  Thank you in advance for your donation; WE APPRECIATE YOU!

website:   www.samsvision-buildersfortomorrow

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